Sunday, August 12, 2012

A Certain Type of Pie

All my life I’ve had to eat
A certain type of pie
The one that most of us hate to eat:
Not apple crumble or Blueberry tart:

No,  the pie we all hate to eat is called
Humble pie and sooner or later
each of us are invited to
 taste its bitter flavor.

Yes sooner or later most of us,
Blah di blah
But why does it keep coming
To my table and insisting
That I partake of its sharp taste.

I recall the words of the poet
Who said the answer to certain
Questions was blowing in the wind
Yes, the answer may well be blowing in the wind

And shining from the stars
And dancing on the crest of a wave
And so I smile and revert to


  1. Rachael, I love this poem, first time I have seen it. Silence, never!! Love Maire xxx

  2. Thank you Máire. Ah, but silence is golden! Rachael xx
