Saturday, November 17, 2012

Seeing Things In A New Light

Reflection                                                                                                           16th November 2012

Sometime on these short wintery days when it gets dark at about 4.30pm, we can get a bit despondent.  Natural light or indeed the absence of it definitely seems to affect mood.  We’ve heard about SAD, seasonal associated disorder, so it’s no surprise that lack of light can cause depression, and yet it was in the depths of winter that I was surprised to see something in a completely new light, almost as if seeing it for the first time.  This was a very large tree close to where I live and totally bereft of leaves, and  it struck me that sometimes we look at things and yet don’t really see them and perhaps it is when we experience darkness, that we are closer to illumination, to truly entering into the eternal present and so I wrote the following poem, and below that I leave you with those beautiful lines from William Blake.
Winter Tree
Driving down Eglinton Road
I asked myself how come
I’d never noticed you before?

Certainly not in winter
When you stood out in front of me
In your nakedness

I wasn’t expecting beauty
In bare winter branches as you stood there
Doing your treelike thing

Of sprawling upwards and outwards,
And as I gazed at you more intently,
You sent me your defiant winter vibe:

“I’m here starkers beside the dual carriageway
No fancy gown of leafy green for me these days
Take me or leave me just as I am today”.

Like a prizewinning piece of sculpture
You spoke to me that day;
“Hey you, WAKE UP

You’ve never seen me like this before”.

Published in Static Poetry III and News Four

To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour.

William Blake


  1. It's great when we suddenly notice the beauty in something familiar. A real haiku moment for me!

    Nice work, Rachael.


  2. Thanks Marion. Yes Marion, you have that gift with your haiku which you excel at. Thanks for reading and comment. Rachael x
