Friday, December 7, 2012

Kevin Barry Cheered Me Up Courtesy Irish Times

Tuesday 4th December 2012

I have a confession to make.  I’m addicted to physically buying the newspaper each day, the Irish Times to be precise.  It’s really just habit I suppose but a habit that’s hard to break.

I know it’s possible to find the various articles on line and I keep telling myself this is ridiculous when I start saving a couple of days papers to catch up on articles with a heading that I know will interest me.
The first port of call is the crossword, the easier one and then I usually have to get tomorrow’s paper to check up the clues that eluded me in the previous day’s puzzle.

However today I refer back to yesterday’s Irish Times and am fascinated to see that the writer Kevin Barry  admits that;  ‘A little flush of triumph comes to my cheek if I manage to email someone a photo, or paste a link into the body of a mail – this, after 18 years of internet activity, is the level of it.’

What music to my ears, to read that a bright young spark such as Kevin Barry is proud of his fairly limited skills on the internet.  This makes me, a fifty seven year old woman feel a lot better. Thank you, Kevin.
He also very interestingly sets out very clearly two extreme and contrary arguments regarding the online divide and says that he believes both positions to be entirely true.  Thank you once again Kevin.

I was beginning to think that this was some major flaw in my character that I can very often manage to agree with two opposing sides of an argument.  Being like this does not make life easy, and in fact there are times when I would love to have a more clear cut black and white view of everything.


  1. Don't worry Rqchqel about Internet skills etc... it's all just practice...and you cannot break anything, just lose bits and pieces, words etc...all replaceable...And you are doing just fine here. Very well in fact!

  2. Thanks Barbara for continued support and encouragement. xx
